QComicBook Debian and Ubuntu /Kubuntu packages site.

QComicBook Homepage: http://linux.bydg.org/~yogin/

News for packages in version 0.3.4-0

Debian news for packages in version 0.3.4-0

Currently I support only packages for GNU/Linux Debian with i386 architecture and Ubuntu /Kubuntu also with i386 architecture - sources included. If you need binary packages for another architectures or another deb-based distro - please contact me directly (encoded mail on bottom). For newest releases and *.rpm packages (Fedora Core) look at the QComicBook home page. In Gentoo QComicBook is now in portage.

Place proper lines from below into '/etc/apt/sources.list'

For Debian 3.0 Woody (archive):
Not available. Not possible without backports (mainly libqt).
Time for dist-upgrade? :)

For Debian 3.1 Sarge (oldstable):
deb http://qcomicbook.horisone.com/ sarge main
deb-src http://qcomicbook.horisone.com/ sarge main
Latest package version: 0.3.4-0

For Debian 4.0 Etch (stable):
deb http://qcomicbook.horisone.com/ etch main
deb-src http://qcomicbook.horisone.com/ etch main
Latest package version: 0.3.4-0

For Debian 4.? Lenny (testing):
deb http://qcomicbook.horisone.com/ lenny main
deb-src http://qcomicbook.horisone.com/ lenny main
Latest package version: Not available yet.

For Sid (unstable):
deb http://qcomicbook.horisone.com/ sid main
deb-src http://qcomicbook.horisone.com/ sid main
Latest package version: 0.3.4-0

For Ubuntu 4.10 (The Warty Warthog):
Not available. Not possible without backports (mainly libqt).
Time for dist-upgrade? :)

For Ubuntu 5.04 (The Hoary Hedgehog):
deb http://qcomicbook.horisone.com/ hoary main
deb-src http://qcomicbook.horisone.com/ hoary main
Latest package version: 0.3.4-0

For Ubuntu 5.10 (The Breezy Badger):
deb http://qcomicbook.horisone.com/ breezy main
deb-src http://qcomicbook.horisone.com/ breezy main
Latest package version: 0.3.4-0

For Ubuntu 6.06 (The Dapper Drake):
deb http://qcomicbook.horisone.com/ dapper main
deb-src http://qcomicbook.horisone.com/ dapper main
Latest package version: 0.3.4-0

For Ubuntu 6.10 (The Edgy Eft):
deb http://qcomicbook.horisone.com/ edgy main
deb-src http://qcomicbook.horisone.com/ edgy main
Latest package version: 0.3.4-0

For Ubuntu 7.04 (The Feisty Fawn):
deb http://qcomicbook.horisone.com/ feisty main
deb-src http://qcomicbook.horisone.com/ feisty main
Latest package version: 0.3.4-0

and then run in shell:

apt-get update
apt-get install qcomicbook

or use one of the following tools: aptitude, synaptic.

Package maintainer:
Michal Pena (Cyb.org) <mp (at) horisone (dotty-dot) com>
I'm not (YET :P) Official Debian Developer nor Official Ubuntu Developer